
Gift Giving Week: Hallmark Tissue

So technically, I started this week post a week ago... I was suppose to post this on Thursday but am just getting to it. We had the oppurtunity to go to a family reunion for an extra day so we took it! My husband was off for 4 days and it was great!


When you go into a Hallmark store, you wonder how there display bags always look so good with their tissue coming out perfectly? And you try to do it at home and it looks like a preschooler tried? Let me help you!

*This is how I was shown at the Hallmark store I worked for, I do not know if it is Hallmark store brand*

Lay out your tissue (does not matter which way)

Take another tissue and lay it on top of the first but the opposite direction

Lay a third tissue over the top, in the same direction as the first

Taking the middle of the tissue, fold into a bouquet

Stuff into bag and tweak to your desire!
This can be done with different colors or patterns of tissue for a even better effect! Happy Gift Giving!

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