
High Five For Friday!

Happy Friday Everyone!

So today I would like to start with my Birchbox!

1. I got Dry Shampoo (still waiting to use it), Sun Screen Wipes, Harvey Price Perfume (love it), Three flavors of tea, and a Bright Teal Nail Polish. I would love to put a picture up of my really cute nail polish, but my camera is dead and I am doing a two day expo with J. Bella clothing.

2. My husband having Friday and Saturday off! This is a real treat and rarity being a Railroader so I will enjoy it!

3. It is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints General Conference weekend! This is where we watch 4 sessions on t.v. of some of the greatest leaders of our church, including President Thomas S. Monson give us spiritual enlightenment and strength to hold our standards high and be good people. 

4. Lilly being almost able to walk! She wants to take a step and then falls... we are getting there.

5. I have made the decision to run 2, yes 2, 5k's this year. One is at the end of April and the other is in the middle of May. Bring it on Baby!

Happy Weekend to All and see you Monday!



Internet Down/Toddler Bed Mix Up

So I did not have internet the last day and a half. So my Monday post had to wait. But... you know those weekends where you have this one great project in mind to do? And tell everyone about it? Like on your blog... Yeah. My cute wall post is going to wait a couple of days. Because, other projects came up in between. 

And I mean plural projects. I had 3 projects I was working on this weekend and only one got done. And that was the yard with all of our new seeds and little trees and weeding and lawn fertilizing... so you can see why that took priority. 

Then I started on Isaiah's toddler bed. I got it at the Idaho Youth Ranch about a month ago for $6. But, it was only the head and foot board. Which I thought would be a great project for me to do and it is time for him to move out of the crib. (We have two kids in cribs right now). 

So we got all the supplies from Home Depot we needed, including MY new toy. 

Yes, it is a sander. Oh baby. 

Then when we started taking more measurements we realized that the head and foot board are for a Twin size bed. But we will be making a few small cuts and drilling a few holes, and then we will have the Toddler bed! But due to weather and spring cleaning and the like, it is on hold on the back porch until tomorrow. Where we will begin painting!

I started with the "spindles" inside the boards and they took forever!

I used an 80 grit paper for the sanding because they were really dirty and the paint was white, but rather old. And like I said, it took me 2 hours and when I finally finished it was time to get the kids in bed, plus the daylight was fading. I was doing it on my back porch due to the fact that we don't have a garage. 

This is what I looked like half way through: (Yes, those were black sweats)

I will be showing more pictures as we near the finish line of the Toddler Bed! And stay tuned tomorrow... my birch box came!



Friday Good News!

Happy Friday to everyone! It is a bit late in the day... 4 pm... but it is still Friday!

And Steve is on a new schedule where he is off on Friday's and Saturday's. Yahoo!

But, today marks a great and stupendous occasion...

I bought Lilly's last can of formula today! Small tear that my "baby" is almost one. Big jump of excitement because no matter how you look at it, milk is cheaper than formula! Not that I mind buying formula because she needs it, but the savings are great. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend preparing for almost summer (since Spring started officially a couple of days ago). We will be working with our yard and hoping for no more snow. (Here it can snow in May). 

And Monday I will be back with a cheap and fun and quick design idea for your play/media room.

Long live the weekend!



J. Bella Winner!

Congratulations to my two ladies that entered the J. Bella Giveaway!

I have the winner of the Good Works Leather Wrap! 


Please email me at bethany@jbellashop.com with your address so I can get this out to you ASAP!

Thank you!



J. Bella Giveaway

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday! Yes, I am rather chipper this morning. The birds are chirping, the snow is all melted and we can play outside! Actually, it is still like 35 degrees, but the first two things are true.

Part of my good mood though is because of today's post: 
A Good Works Leather Wrap Giveaway!!!!!

Retail Value $30

You can see the Good Works amazing site here. They give back 25% of their proceeds to charity! How many companies can boost a quarter of what they make goes to something good?! This year their charity of choice is they are trying to raise enough funds to build from start to finish 12 homes for homeless families.

One lucky reader will win this beauty of a bracelet sometime on Thursday afternoon. Here is how:

1. Become a follower of J. Bella on Facebook (here)
2. Become a follower of the J. Bella blog (here)
3. Leaving a comment on what color is best for Spring
4. For any of you who order off of the J. Bella site, get an entry! I am offering Free Shipping with Discount Code BethanyShips on orders of $50 or more. (If you end up winning the wrap, I will combine the order with the wrap)

To order one of these wraps, currently you will have to email me. Send to me at Bethany@jbellashop.com. Subject Line: Leather Wrap.
We have a variety of colors available including variations: blues, greens, black like above, orange and red. 

Good Luck to all of you!



Looking for some Sponsor Swaps

Hello! Today I am inquiring about anyone wanting to do a Sponsor Swab. I would love it if you could email me at bmbarrow@hotmail.com. Subject: Sponsor Swap

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing all of your amazing blogs. I hope I can learn from the rest of you!


P.S. Stay tuned on Tuesday for a J. Bella Giveaway! And don't forget, your order ships all the time for FREE with discount code BethanyShips.


High Five For Friday!

I am linking up with Lauren from From My Grey Desk, one of my favorite blogs. 

Here are my Top 5 for the week:

My yummy breakfast! Pancakes with syrup and Lingon Berries. (Not the best for weight loss right now, but an all time favorite!)

The empty picture of Ice Tea. It was really warm the other day, and yes, this went with my breakfast. My Momma is from the South, don't judge.

If you saw yesterday's post, this is where all my seeds are going in a few weeks. The whole thing looked like the left side last weeks. The other day I spent 2 1/2 hours on the right side, there is some you can't see. It was so fun, and I mean it

Isaiah's cool new sneakers he got from an Aunt and Uncle for his birthday!

And my latest read, which I will be doing a review on next week! Love it. And if you know me well enough, I really like Victoria Beckham. 

Happy Friday everyone and I hope to see you all on Monday! What are your plans today?



My New Babies...

Steve and I have decided to do a vegetable garden this year since we have the space. Why? Several reasons:

We have not had a yard for 2 years, we must use it
We have 2 kids in diapers (even at Costco this is about $100 a month --with coupons--)
We know where our food will be coming from
And it will taste better, so fresh

For now though, the babies plants must live indoors because Idaho is known to have snow in May. Seriously. So they need to wait until there will not be another frost. 

My husband reminded me I was suppose to put them in Dixie cups, but I was so excited I forgot. This is what the corner of the office looks like:

Which brings me to another point, those of you without a yard, you can still have a veggie garden. You just do the above. It is called a Container Garden. Just put in a few seeds to each pot and grow. They will need to stay inside for a few more weeks, but then put them by your front door or back porch and even a window sill. I do not recommend inside, my office now smells of dirt!



J. Bella Day of Giveaways!

Head on over to the J. Bella Facebook page here. We are doing an ENTIRE DAY OF GIVEAWAYS for reaching over 2,000 fans!

All it takes is leaving a comment under each item being given away. Hurry, there are 2 items up already.

Who does not LOVE free stuff! That's what I thought.



J. Bella Special Offer

Because I did a giveaway last month on another blog and was crazy busy, I did not do a J. Bella giveaway in February. But who would like to win something this month?!

Next week I will be posting a new giveaway! 

But ----------- for now I would like to let you all know that I am now offering  free shipping on all orders through the J. Bella website of $50 or more! Who does not love that goodness?!?!?! Just us discount code BethanyShips

Just go to the J. Bella Website here

So, I am giving you a few pics of some of our newest pieces to wet your appetite!

Leopard Cardi $39

Neon Twist $18.75

Striped Pocket Tank $18.75

We are getting ready for Spring/Summer at J. Bella, are you?



To Nude or To Neutral?

So the new craze as of late is the Grey nail polish trend. I personally LOVE it. You can ask my best friend (who feels the same way) and my husband, I love anything as long as it is Black, White and Grey. 

But, when it comes to my nails, I have only done clear polish since about 14 or 15. The night before my wedding my friend/bridesmaid painted our toes a deep, sexy red. I took it off when I got home. I even had peep toe shoes. It just was not me.

But recently I graduated to a Nude. And my husband calls it clear. But it is an attempt to make my nails look like Giada DeLarentis (the Italian cooking show host). So I then went to a very light grey. And he said it might as well be a Nude. Seriously?

So the other day my friend lent me a color that is a deep Grey and I love it!

My question is, Is it a Color or a Neutral?
What do you think?

 (And this is the first time I am posting a picture using a one I took with my cell phone)

 Find a similar color here.

Can't wait to hear from you!



Lemon Bar Cake

You here loves lemon bars?!?!?!?!? Yeah, me too. A friend of mine recently showed me this amazing and oh so easy recipe for a cake that tastes like lemon bars (to me anyway) and I thought I should share this goodness to the masses. 

All you need is a box of Lemon Cake Mix, the ingredients that go with that (3 eggs, water and oil) and a can of Lemon Pie Filling. 

Just put the pie filling in with the cake mixture and mix until well combined.

Then, just bake as the box says. I got these super cute silicone cupcake wraps at the dollar store for Valentine's. Love them!

When they cool off, sprinkle with powdered sugar and ENJOY!

(Like my Valentine's tulips from Steve? He thought they were planted so we could keep the bulbs but the package fooled him. I thought it was hilarious!)

I have been known to eat too many, but they taste so good! I sent Steve with a cake to a Super Bowl party and it was gone in minutes. Some of the people that had it called for the recipe because they absolutely had to have it the next day. 

And for someone that can't cook that good on a regular basis, that felt pretty good!



You Know You Have a Little Boy When...

Today is my son Isaiah's 2nd Birthday! I just can't believe it has been this long. I love my little Bear so much. And in appreciation of him blessing our lives, I thought I would do another, Little Boy Post.

 What a stud!

You Know You Have a Little Boy When

The most holy of words in his vocabulary must be spoken in only a whisper and drawn out as to give it the proper respect, "ccccaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr". Seriously, it takes him a couple seconds to actually say it. 

When going to bed, parting is such sweet sorrow when your cars and balls must stay in the other room. So to remedy this until morning, simply hold one in each hand and insert a third into your mouth. And somehow hold your blanket as well. Really.

Happy Birthday Little Bear, Love You!



Bring it ON Monday! : Emergency Car Kit

How many of you like to take trips/long drives during the Spring and Summer? Me too! But since having children I get a little paranoid about breaking down on the side of the road. Every time Steve and I pass someone on the side of the road (never stop, they could be serial killers...In my mind) I always tell him I hope that never happens to me. 

But if it did, you should be prepared to keep your kids as comfy as possible. So here is 3/4 of the Emergency Car Kit I have.

I have a case of mini water bottles, that from time to time if we are thirsty, we can just drink one. Awhile back my sister in law and mother in law broke down on the side of the freeway in the middle of August and the only thing that kept the 3 kids going was that they had a lot of water. Plus, Lilly is still on formula for a couple of months and I need water to make it. You can get a case like this at any grocery store for around $3.

This is our First Aid Kit. It is a "has it all" kind of thing. Even rubber gloves. You never know what can happen, and it hardly takes up any space. But we like to go camping in the summer, so this is a must. (Find something similar here)

And this is the Kit. I think it was intended for a survival kit, but some of the things work for in the car. And Steve wanted it it there. There is a flashlight --with batteries! (very important)-- some pliers for who knows what alcohol wipes, a plastic bag (for the forensic people I guess), a mini first aid kit, an floatie for your keys if you end up in water, a poncho and a whistle (Which is kind of important... sometimes). Find similar here.

I hope you all take this into consideration. The only part I am missing is some kind of food source. I will probably put in some granola bars and a little chocolate, which is good to keep up energy. 

If you really wanted to go all out, you could get a syfone kit, a mini chair, flares, gas can, triangles, hand crank radio and so on. Honestly, if I needed all that stuff, I just dial AAA, that's what they are for. 

Happy Monday!



First Guest Post: Chocolate Covered Graham Crackers

I would like to introduce you all to a long time friend of mine that remembers me so well in one word, as you will see! Good times! And she has the cutest kids!
Hey everyone! I'd like to give a big thanks to my old friend Bethany for inviting me to do a guest post on her blog! We grew up together in the dainty little town of Gervais, Oregon. You might know her as a professional, a mom, and a grown woman, but to me she'll always be the sweet little high school girl who would yell 'Schnikes!' when things went awry. ;)

Now, on to business!

I had seen homemade graham crackers a few times on Pinterest, but I wanted to take it a step further by dipping them in chocolate! I searched around a bit for a recipe I thought I would like, and Smitten Kitchen never fails me, so I went with her recipe. You can use whatever chocolate you want to dip them in. Chocolate isn't any good to me unless it's at least 60% cacao, and that was the highest they had in chocolate chips, so that's what I went with. 

If you don't have a food processor you can use a Kitchen Aid or even just a hand mixer. I got this baby after serving for five years at Bentley's Grill...I quit a month later. 

You can't go wrong with something that has milk and honey in it!

Make sure you hire top sous chefs in your area to help!

Well on our way to deliciousness!

Bringing out the big guns

Almost there....

Yes! Complete success! I hope you enjoy making these as much as I did. I do have a couple of tips for you before you begin. First, when working with the dough, it gets very sticky VERY fast, so I would NOT recommend having a baby on your hip and a toddler tugging at your pants while your making these, not that I know or anything....Second, keep a very close eye on these while in the oven. Things can go south really fast once they are finished baking and I can tell you from experience, dark brown grahams are not tasty, however, if they are a little underdone, no worries! They are like a cookie. Mark said his favorite part was the different consistencies that there were, lol, wasn't my objective, but it all works out in the end I suppose.

Now go and show Starbucks and their wimpy little overpriced chocolate grahams who's boss and make these tonight!

Chocolate Covered Graham Crackers adapted from Smitten Kitchen

Makes 10 4 x 4.5-inch graham crackers or 48 2-inch squares
2 1/2 cups plus 2 tablespoons unbleached all-purpose flour
1 cup dark brown sugar, lightly packed
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon kosher or coarse sea salt
7 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 1-inch cubes and frozen
1/3 cup honey
5 tablespoons milk, full-fat is best
2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract

Topping (optional)
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 bag of chocolate chips, any kind

Make the dough: Combine the flour, brown sugar, baking soda, and salt in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the steel blade or in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Pulse or mix on low to incorporate. Add the butter and pulse on and off on and off, or mix on low, until the mixture is the consistency of a coarse meal.
[Alternately, if you don't have a food processor or electric mixer, you can cut the ingredients together with a pastry blender. Just make sure they're very well incorporated.]
In a small bowl, whisk together the honey, milk, and vanilla extract. Add to the flour mixture and pulse on and off a few times or mix on low until the dough barely comes together. It will be very soft and sticky. Lay out a large piece of plastic wrap and dust it lightly with flour, then turn the dough out onto it and pat it into a rectangle about 1-inch thick. Wrap it, then chill it until firm, about 2 hours or overnight. Meanwhile, prepare the topping, if using, by combining the sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl and setting aside.

Roll out the grahams: Divide the dough in half and return one half to the refrigerator. Sift an even layer of flour onto the work surface and roll the dough into a long rectangle about 1/8 inch thick. The dough will be sticky, so flour as necessary. Trim the edges of the rectangle to 4 inches wide. Working with the shorter side of the rectangle parallel to the work surface, cut the strip every 4 1/2 inches to make 4 crackers. I used a pizza cutter.
Place the crackers on one or two parchment-lined baking sheets and sprinkle with the topping. Chill until firm, about 30 to 45 minutes in the fridge or 15 to 20 minutes in the freezer. Repeat with the second batch of dough. Finally, gather any scraps together into a ball, chill until firm, and re-roll.
Adjust the oven rack to the upper and lower positions and preheat the oven to 350°F.

Decorate the crackers: Mark a vertical line down the middle of each cracker, being careful not to cut through the dough (this is for the traditional cracker shape). Using a toothpick or skewer (I like to use the blunt end of a wooden skewer for more dramatic dots), prick the dough to form two dotted rows about 1/2 inch for each side of the dividing line.
Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, until browned and slightly firm to the touch, rotating the sheets halfway through to ensure even baking. 

Melt the chocolate: In a small sauce pan, melt chocolate chips on low until almost melted, then remove from heat. Take cooled grahams and, tipping the sauce pan towards you, dip half of the graham in the chocolate, letting the excess drip back into the pan. Set on parchment paper and let cool for a few hours or overnight to ensure chocolate hardens.

Kailee Adams is a bartender turned stay at home mom working on starting her own at home bakery. You can visit her blog by clicking here. She is also on Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you Kailee, for ruining my diet with pictures! :) Thank you for the Guest Post and hopefully everyone likes it enough for you to come back! (hint hint). I am thinking we should meet for a play/eating baked goodies date the next time I am back home... Just a thought!
Happy Grahams Y'all!