First and foremost I am not complaining! I would like to vent.... Life is hard right now. Steve works away in Utah drilling for 20 days straight and when he comes home it is rush and go here and there and do all these activities so we have quality time. I work full time and Isaiah goes to a fantastic sitter in my ward but of course I miss him all day long and cry every night before I go to work because its hard to leave him. So then I don't do chores when Steve is home so we can have more time together and when he goes back to work, like today. And this set he is on nights, (gotta love shift work) and we won't be going to see him because it is just too hard working around his sleeping during the day.
So this week at work I had a breakdown to my totally amazing Director of Sales Tenae, and I have a new lease on what I am going to be doing day to day. Why should I be stressed about doing everything in the 10 days that Steve is home!?!?!? So from now on, we are just going to relax and not really go anywhere. And I will be coming home on my lunch hours to do some chores and then I won't be up until the wee hours of the morning getting them done. I don't feel the need to go see all of our families in a whole Saturday trip. Not that I don't love my family and his, but Steve, Isaiah and I are our own little family now and we need to focus on us. Not that we won't go see our families, but they can come to Pocy too.