
You know you have a boy when... Part 2

My son is fast approaching 2. (Small tear...) And little boys have a strange fascination with their, er, manhood. Last night right after bath time I was getting Lilly's pajamas on her I look over and Isaiah is trying to take off his pants and get his diaper off. Not even two minutes after I put them on. I called out hey and grabbed him and he PULL UP his pants faster than I could! I just started laughing. So funny. It's as if the the "playtime" in the bath tub was not enough.

Another thing, when he hears Lilly in her crib when she wakes up from her nap, he always takes her a toy. I started to think how sweet, but then I realized he is giving her the toys he does not want to play with. This way, she will maybe leave his toy cars alone. (One of her favorites)



Bring it ON Monday! : Laundry Day...

So you know when you are home for a while and you keep your house pretty clean and organized and you have a little spare time to read and all that relaxing stuff?

Today is not it. I was crazy busy the last 5 days and now have hardly any clothes. So today is Laundry Day in the old time sense. 50 years ago-ish there was a set day every week to just do laundry. Now with the modern washing and drying machines I gratefully have access to I can do my laundry all the time as needed. But today that is all I am doing, maybe I will have it all done by midnight. Cross your fingers. 

Good Monday and Laundry day to you all. I hope it is successful. Otherwise, my children and I may be naked tomorrow.



Pantry Labels

I know, I know, it has been a little while. Been busy and then kept forgetting to schedule my blog time. 

But here is a 4 day late, Monday project. Pantry Labels!

Designate sections in your pantry or food storage area with labels so you, and most importantly everyone else in your household, know where to find and put things. This is really helpful when you don't look at the food everyday and get a little lost... at least I do sometimes. 

My friend Megan was so gracious and used her Cricket to make these for me. Then we glued them to card stock. I will be cutting them into strips and laminating them sooner or later, but they are going up tonight in my food storage area! (And was a way to bring out my new color combo favorite! Grey and Yellow)

The categories are:

PB & J

Enjoy the so-so photos and get to work on your pantries!

Happy Very Late Monday!


New Bachlorettes Coming in to J. Bella

Who does not love the J. Bella Bachlorette top???!!! Here are some of our new colors coming in soon! You are more than welcome to pre-order out of the selected colors: Blue, Green, Teal, Tomato, and Yellow. (But I need to know by early Monday morning so I can the orders in!)

Email me at Bethany@jbellashop.com.


Can't wait for Spring!
