
The Red Lobster Run

My darling sweet husband has come up with the "perfect" plan to save money during these hard times, if and only if you are expecting a baby and are in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy. He would really love Red Lobster right now but we are on a tight budget and having a baby in 10 days, there are other more important things for our money to go to right now.

So, the plan, go to lunch/dinner at your place of choice and at the almost end of the meal when the your expecting your ticket, start faking labor! Have your husband start freaking out and getting all nervous. Then start to run to the door screaming in agony and apologize that you are in too much of a hurry to pay. And then go home on a very full belly of lobster.

The saddest part of all of this? My husband really thinks it would work but he knows I would never do it so he won't push it. Not because it is wrong or ridiculous, just that I won't. Seriously?!?!

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