Hello to the few people who follow our blog, it's been a crazy few weeks!
We had Lilly on April 29, 2011 at 8:52 am. She was 6 pounds and 7 ounces. The C-Section went very well. Completly different than my first one. I was totally chill and relaxed and was excited for it. And she is so Beautiful, and a screamer. It is a eye opening experience since Isaiah was almost as quite as a mouse when he would try that young. She came out with a full head of hair! We came home four days later and we thought is was going well. Easy, we thought.
The next morning I woke up with a head ache from my spinal tap. I had it in the hospital for a day and half but it went away. So from Tuesday to Saturday I was bed ridden waiting for it to go away. Laying flat and caffeine were the only things that helped. So Steve got me a couple of 64 ounce Pepsi Maxs and I was up until 6 am the first time, but my head didn't hurt! Things are much more calm and we are settling into a two child home pretty well I think.
The weekend before Memorial Weekend Steve's Grandpa Barrow died. He shed no tears because he knew it was time for him to go. Grandma Barrow died 23 years ago and Grandpa never looked at another woman since. I can only imagine the beautiful reunion they had. The services were great, except I always said I would never have the screaming children in those kinds of things and guess what?! Both of mine were the only ones screaming!
Steve is back to work again on the Railroad and it looks good this time. Being at home together every single day all day really plays on your annoyances with each other! Steve and I also celebrated 4 years of marriage on April 7, can't believe it, we are almost not newlyweds anymore!
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