
Blackfoot Fair 2011

We went to the fair this year with our AMAZING friends, James and Megan Fisher. With their super cute kiddos, Lalayn and Tayden. Lalayn kind of thinks Isaiah is her boyfriend I think, and Tayden and Isaiah are best friends. Tayden also really likes to give Lilly kisses...

While we were there Steve purchased an $8 smoked turkey leg (salivating now), and we shared a elephant ear, or in Idaho you call it a tiger ear. (Idahoans are weird... elephant ear makes so much more sense). The funniest part of the evening was when we started walking to get in, I was having a hard time pushing the double stroller through this sanding part, so Steve decided to "help" me. He broke off entirely one of the front wheels! Good thing Megan had her double stroller. Lilly rode on my chest the whole time and we rotated the other three kids between the two seats. It was way fun and hopefully next year Isaiah will be old enough to ride the rides (technically he was this year but he cried on the carousel once and I was not paying what they were asking for him to cry!)

And Lilly was in a photo contest with our photographer, Paisley Studios! She did not win but when I saw her picture I FREAKED out and some people moved away out of fright. Megan witnessed it!

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