
Bring it ON Monday!

This is the first of weekly posts on, you guessed it, Mondays!

My goal to encourage myself to post more regularly is to make a weekly post. And since I am a stay at home mom and there is not always a ton going on that is different from day to day, I will make something different from day to day.

These posts will be about me organizing and preparing my family/household on weekly projects. Where applicable there will be photos. I have several plans in mind and I will limit myself to $20 a week for these projects. Amongst the things to come: household binder, emergency car kit and organizing projects for our new home office and family room (where the battle ground of 10 million toys if fought daily). If you have ideas on ways to make a family more prepared for the future events that could happen, please tell me and I will get to it! This will be like my job and I shall enjoy my "work time".


Steve and I just moved into our new house in Blackfoot, ID in the last couple of weeks and we are loving it! It has been updated and such and we thought it was great. Then I started inspecting the ceilings and realized that there are NO smoke alarms, none, na-da, nothing. With two ankle bitters you can imagine my flip out. So we went to Costco and picked up a 2 pack of smoke detectors for $23. (Already over my $20 limit)

We also have a gas fire place downstairs that provides the majority of the heat for the house. I have never been in a home with a gas fireplace before. Steve said we needed a carbon monoxide monitor as well in case there is ever a gas leak. Call me dumb, but if you have never had to deal with one are you really going to know??? So we got this carbon monoxide monitor at Costco as well for $30. (The next couple of posts will need to be near free!)

So my first question I would love for you to ask yourselves and feel free to comment on:

Have you tested your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide monitors for the winter? Our usage of heating sources will add to the chances of potential fires for the few months. Those of you with gas fireplaces, do you even have a carbon monoxide monitor?? Enjoy preparing you detectors and such and we will see you next week!

Happy Monday!

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