
Book Review: Heaven is Here

I recently read Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson who actually writes the blog, The Nie Nie Dialogues. In 2008 her husband, their friend and herself were in a plane crash where Mr. Nielson (as she calls her husband) recieved burns over 40% of his body and she received burns over 80% of her body. She was in a coma for 4 months. 

The book highlights their life before the accident, how she loved to dress up for her husband, wear red lipstick, and could not take more joy in caring for her family. It then moves into the time when she was in recovery from the accident and learning to do things allover again. Her children did not want to look at her for sometime and as a mother I can only imagine the pain she was in when they said, "No". 

This is truly a book to make you cry, laugh and inspire you to try a little harder. 

My friend Jamie, blogged also about Stephanie recently that included a video she did with her husband about her ordeal. I encourage you all to take 5 minutes and view it here to see how amazing she is. I have yet to learn how to put a video from online onto my blog post, hence why it is not here. 


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