
We've Been "Pampered"

So the other night, Steve came home after being gone to work for a couple of days. It was like 3 am. (Yes, this is normal) We both turn to each other in bed to have a nice snuggle, not knowing where the beauty of the night will take us... absence does make the heart grow fonder.

As we draw closer together, there is something blocking us. It starts to crinkle and I get startled. I know we have spiders downstairs, but really?! 

Steve quickly reaches down and grabs the romance killer, one of the kid's diapers. (Clean of course) This is what happens when you have 2 kids in diapers, they show up everywhere, even without the kid. 

So we both roll over after a quick kiss and say goodnight. Getting "pampered" is not always great. It sure is a mood killer.

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