

I hope everyone had a great weekend. This is not my typical post, so please excuse what seems like a downer mode, I was actually in a upward mood when I wrote it. 

Over the Father's Day weekend someone I love very deeply I found out is going through a harder time medically than I previously knew about. As someone in my family put it, "He is coming to terms with his mortality."

I am having a hard time with this because this man is my Father. He is my Superman. He is not allowed to become weak, to get sick, to be in constant pain. He is the man that modeled for me what I wanted my husband to be later in life, which I was so very lucky to find. 

Medically his body does wants to give up and is slowly fighting against him. He is in no means dying, but my husband made me come to terms this evening that the idea of him being gone in next few years with a hard battle is something to understand, acknowledge and prepare for.

And I am fighting it so hard because he was suppose to be around forever. When I was a little girl he was the strongest man I knew, and ever thought I would know. He guided me through the things my mother could not and taught me so much of how to find the person I am suppose to be. 

He is funny, loves the outdoors and adores my children. And now I find myself trying to find more ways to spend time with him, lighten him and my mother's load and let my children play with the Papa just for the fun of it. But he is still my example. He shows that one must put all their faith in Christ because he has already prepared our path and only wants us to return home to him. And I know my father eventually looks forward to the day when his body will no longer hold him back.

"And I soon go to the place of my rest, which is with my Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen." 
Enos 1:27, The Book Of Mormon.

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