
Anyone Up for a Garage Sale?

Have you ever Garage Saled? The last time I attended a Garage Sale was last summer when I was helping my sister organize one. She hates putting them together and I LOVE decluttering. Nothing feels better than throwing away something you never use and making more room for other things. 

While at this garage sale I ventured down the street to another sale and was able to buy Lilly about 6 pieces of clothing for $3. Honestly, I have never actually bought from a Garage Sale before. I just managing them. But this was a killer deal. 

So with all the sale signs out, I went frolicking in the bountiful land of Garage Sales. Above is my "hoard" from Saturday. 22 items for $10. What is that?!?! Like $.21 an item?

I found: A 1961 edition of James and the Giant Peach
A new large purse/diaper bag
A workout shirt, Nike, which was $.25
2 pairs of pants for Lilly
2 shirts for Lilly
1 denim skirt for Lilly
14 pieces of clothing for Isaiah

I buy clothing for my kids on sale, clearence and Ebay when I find a great deal. Very seldom do I buy them things full price. 1. I get a good amount as hand me downs and keep what I like the best. (Lilly was given enough clothes for her first year of life and I only spent $20 on her in that year) 2. They grow out of things quickly. 3. They get stained and worked to the bone. Unless I need something special, I refuse to pay $30 for one piece of clothing. But I will at Christmas time. 

How many of you Garage Sale? What is the best item you have found? I love hearing about people's finds.


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