
Just a Piece of Paper

Sometimes a small and simple piece of paper can make a world of difference in your life. It can just be a short note of "I love you" in your lunch box as a kid and can turn around your day. Having an A written on a assignment from college when you knew it would be a nothing more than a C. Then there is the marriage certificate you applied for, not very large, but has so much meaning. And when you have a baby, the birth certificate you fill out to say you have produced a life. 

All small and simple pieces of paper, but filled with so much meaning. 

I recently submitted a Children's Book to Deseret Book Publishing. Not really thinking anything would become of it. I never thought I would write a "story" or "book". But sometimes I really miss working at a computer so I wanted something to keep my fingers busy. This small piece of paper could turn into nothing, but there is a small hope in me that it does. And if so, this small piece of paper has so much more meaning than one could imagine. 

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