
Book Review--Several Ways!

So I recently finished reading a couple of books. I know, those of you with kids know that it is 10 times harder than before children. Not that finding time single isn't hard, it's just you can't totally space out and fall into the world of your printed words like before. 

The last time I was able to just read, I was pregnant with Isaiah. I had just graduated college a couple of months prior and had started at my career (that I later left after a year and a half to be a Stay at Homer) and had weekends free! (Every new graduates dream) I needed something to do since I was so sick all the time from morning sickness. All my co-workers were ranting and raving about Twilight, except for one. We were both a bit hesitant about the whole idea. We didn't want to get in on the Edward/Jacob freaks. Over 4 weekends in a row, I read each one of the Twilight books on a weekend. Staying up until 2 am and getting up early to do it again. Steve was kind of lonely. 

--That was the last time I was able to read like that--

Since then I have to read before the kids get up (after some chores), when they are napping (after doing laundry or gardening) and/or after they are in bed (after cleaning the rest of the house).  
See a trend?

My latest read was this: 

The Extra Half an Inch by Victoria Beckham. I got it on Ebay for not even $10. It might have been like $6. 

If you know me well, I LOVE Victoria Beckham and really look up to her. I am slowing going to start using her for style inspiration.

But I loved it. I get into ruts here and there staying home with the kids. I forget to wash my face sometimes and there are some days the outfit I have on is the same as the day before. (Gasp... but every mom has done it)

She gave pointers on how to dress properly the whole way through for every period/event in your life and gave specific places to find great things. She did a beauty section as well, shoes, hats, vacation planning. It was honestly like having some "girl" time reading. And the pages are like reading a magazine, something they were trying on purpose.

Will you find a profound new something in yourself from reading it? No idea. But, the cold hard fact, it is a fun read. Happy Tuesday!


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